Sustainability Done Right

The aisles of supermarkets are stocked with products advertising their use of recycled content, their eco-friendliness, or incorporating buzzwords like “eco,” “renewable” or “recyclable”. With the rise in popularity of sustainability claims, we must recognize the importance of verifying such claims and be on the lookout for “greenwashing.”

Europe’s Bold Plan for Re-Use

In November 2022, the European Government proposed a dramatic change to its policy around packaging waste. Declaring waste a “growing source of waste and of consumer frustration” the Commission proposed the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) to replace its existing directive with rules that are both significantly stronger and more enforceable than what exist today.

Sustainably Packaged Magazine Purpose Issue

Orora’s magazine dedicated to Sustainable Packaging insights, trends & ideas. Read case studies of cutting-edge companies making a difference and study expert opinions about the future of sustainable packaging.