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Practice Makes Sustainability

Balance is a tricky thing to master, with ever changing priorities and hectic schedules – teetering between success and a misstep just seems inevitable. The same could be said when it comes to living a more sustainable lifestyle – we are all bound to make a mistake every now and again, but just like everything else it just takes a little practice. So, let us help lighten the load and tie your consumer shoelaces with a few best practices that will have you tripping less in no time.

Best Practices:

    • Read your packaging.
      Some packages can be recyclable but are not curbside recyclable, read the fine print to be sure.
    • Bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store.
      Keep them in your car so they are always with you. Forget to bring them in? Bag your cart of groceries in your car.


    • Invest in reusable services. is just one of the many examples of companies focused on product reusability. Instead of continually buying new disposable diapers, their service offers a way to prevent families from adding to the estimated 4.1 million tons of disposable diapers being thrown away each year.
    • Meal Planning = Sustainably Planning
      Buying excess food leads to a lot of food waste! Try creating a list of what meals you plan to make that week and then buy only the items needed to make those meals.
    • Just moved? Give your boxes a new life
      Give them to a friend who might be moving house or putting stuff in storage. Someone in your community might need them, try posting them on Nextdoor. Try to get them reused before sending them off to be recycled.
    • Avoid Single Use Products
      Consider getting reusable options like Tupperware or reusable sealable bags for leftovers. Even a reusable coffee pod can reduce the amount of food and plastic that goes to waste.
    • Online shopping: convenient but can be wasteful
      The convenience of E-commerce is great, but using it to try on clothes, shoes, etc. Just to send them back at a minimum doubles the amount of packaging, labor, energy, and fuel wasted through multiple shipments.

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Sustainable Packaging?

We have created some resources to guide you in your transition to sustainable packaging:

Sustainably Packaged Magazine

Orora’s magazine dedicated to Sustainable Packaging insights, trends & ideas. Available in both Print and digital versions.

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Sustainable Packaging Podcast With Cory Connors

Cory chats with industry leaders about sustainable packaging options, new products, and how we can improve packaging sustainability.

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Sustainable Packaging Sourcebook

Our Sustainable Packaging Sourcebook is coming soon! Register for access to check out our ever growing sourcebook of new sustainable packaging technologies and materials.

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